Posterior sensor holder


product info TECH2011UL datasheet posterior UL #1
product info TECH2011UR datasheet posterior UR #1
product info TECH2012UL datasheet posterior UL #2
product info TECH2012UR datasheet posterior UR #2

The Posterior sensor holder, offers easy and comfortable use of digital sensors.
No assembling of several parts, just one part with minimized dimensions for optimized comfort and results.
Just by turning the Posterior sensor holder it is possible to use it in the upper and lower jaw.

– 1 model for upper left and lower right (UL/LR)
– 1 model for upper right and lower left (UR/LL)

There are two size’s of holders:
– size 1   (UL/UR order nr. DBU 2011)
– size 2   (UL/UR order nr. DBU 2012)
